October 25th, 2014
Today was the first ad published in a campaign that SCA Forest Products has. During the shoot they also made a short commercial. On one of the three days of recording i was there shooting for the ad campaign. A pink butterfly built in 3D was to be integrated in the shot.
It was a little work getting the butterfly to integrate with the image, but after some time we got it just as they wished!
All together i shot four images for the campaign and four more allround images!

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October 20th, 2014
At last, Prosharp’s picture of the season is finally ready! I hope you like it!

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October 8th, 2014
I do a lot of portraits for different brand magazines, so last week i went down to Hudiksvall to shoot a portrait for Kias magazine “Kia Story”. Each issue has a portrait of a Kia owner with their car. I started looking for a good location as soon as i arrived. The best spot i found was of course a little bit hard to drive to! But after some phone calls and a permit it all worked out.
The light was made by three Profoto softboxes. One Profoto Large in front of her, one 2×3 from the right lighting the ground behind her and one 3×4 lighting the car just a little bit. Besides the fact that it was blowing half storm the shoot went very well, i had to do some catching flying lightstands though 🙂

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October 7th, 2014
Last week i shot a magazine cover for a tourist magazine. It was a winter issue and the cross country skier Johan Olsson with his family was to sit in the snow enjoying the sun! 🙂 But i didn’t have any snow or sun! So i ordered snow from the closest hockey arena and i used my Profoto flashes to create sunlight! About an hour before the shoot the big truck came with all the snow. After that i started setting up the lights. I wanted to have the “sun” straight in the camera from the trees behind them so i took my tallest stand with a lamphead and a Magnum reflector. I also lit some of the forest with another lamphead and the mainlight was a open Profoto softbox from the right.
The shoot went really well even though we had a really thick mist going on, and of course the sun came out the minute i was back from the shoot!
A big thank you to Anders who helped me with some behind the scenes-pictures and of course the Olsson family who managed to keep up the good mood even though they had to sit in the wet snow!

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October 3rd, 2014
Last week it was finally time for one of the most fun job i do, which i do one time a year, it’s the “Picture of the Season” for Prosharp! This years theme was customizing, where we wanted to show how easy it is to get a perfect profile for each player. In the picture we had a professor working on the machine in his workshop. We built up a really nice place inside Prosharps workshop, using a lot of really cool and odd tools and props. Most of the time went into setting the light and building the environment where the “professor” was to act.
the lighting was two Profoto Magnum reflectors as rimlight, one Profoto 3×4 softbox in front from the side and Profoto Ringflash. I shot it with the PhaseOne P65+ and the Hasselblad HC50mm lens.

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