Days at work

Days at work

Birsta City Magazine winter 2012

October 30th, 2012

Well, suddenly it’s winter again and christmas is around the corner! Just as usually it was time to shoot the cover for Birsta City Magazine. Earlier we had trucks of real snow ordered for these shoots, but this year we decided to shoot the cover at Santas home 😀 We found a great cottage up on one of the mountains here in town. I had gathered a bunch of props and when i got to the cabin i found just as much!
We  moved furniture and things around for quite some time before it was all done! And Malte, our Santa for the day, did a great job. So after som directing and shooting our Santa could go to his santa-things and we went on to shooting the other image, which was an image of Santas front door!

The final result turned out great. but you’ll have to wait until the magazine is out before you can see it!

New LAJV shot soon finished …

October 26th, 2012

It’s been quite a lot of work lately, so i have some blogging to catch up with. But until then i’ll just post a piece of the image that is going on the next LAJV Magazine cover 🙂

My images at RehaCare

October 12th, 2012

During RehaCare 2012, a big trade fair in Düsseldorf, Permobil has used the images i made for them in their booth. It’s always great to se the pictures in big format! 🙂

Rabih in the studio

October 4th, 2012

Today i shot a bunch of promo pictures of Rabih Jaber for his upcoming album. You might remember him from Swedish Idol 2009! A really cool guy with a even cooler voice! I’m looking forward to posting the finished images, he really rocks in front of the camera.
Took some shots of his producer Jocke as well, the one below is not one of the images that will be used 😉

Dragons Basketball 2012/2013

October 2nd, 2012

For this season it was time for new images for Dragons Basketball, last years Swedish champions. The images are to be used on posters. web and game adds. Last seasons images we did you can read about här, här och här. This year we made images in black and white with some game feeling in them. The first one out was a picture of the old champion passing on his knowledge to one of the new guys in the team.