March 30th, 2012
Well, it took almost seven years, but now my new site is finally here! Go in and have a look around! More images are coming and some minor fixes will be done, but it’s 99,9% finished!
A huge thank you to Osynlig Webbyrå who helped me build it and Jocke at POP Kommunikation who designed my new logo!

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March 30th, 2012
This month i’m featured on Profoto’s blog under Lightshaping Tool of the Month! The post is about how and why i use the Profoto ring flash. It was really nice to be asked to participate since i just love their blog and been following it ever since it started!
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March 22nd, 2012
Last tuesday i shot another portrait for LAJV Magazine. This time it was the airbrush artist Linda “Flickan” Tolind. And as i knew that she had begun doing some tattoo’s as well my idea was to shoot her doing a nice tramp stamp on a guy in a suit in some kind of garage, why? I don’t know, it just felt cool some how 🙂
I called up a garage in town and asked if it was ok to shoot there. They were thrilled and we where welcome to use it!
Since my model who was to wear the suit didn’t have a tatto and didn’t want one either, especially not a tramp stamp, i had to draw one in Photoshop. Since i was doing it in PS i put in the text Bad Ass as well 😀
The lighting was set up as follows. Two Profoto Magnum reflectors with grids and a soft light reflector from the sides and the back as rimlight. A 3×4 softbox from my left and the Profoto ringflash with the white softlight reflector.

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March 20th, 2012
My latest exhibition Work is finally up and last tuesday i had my opening! The exhibition is in a big shopping center, Birsta City, and it’s really great having it displayed there as there are a lot of people passing by here that probably never would have seen it if it had been in a gallery!
Here are links to some articles about the exhibition (in swedish) Dagbladet, Sundsvalls Tidning &

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March 13th, 2012
Last thursday i shot new images for the hockey team Timrå IK. It’s for the last fight in the series. A lot of sweat and serious eyes 🙂
The images are being used in ads and posters during the last games in the series, the theme of the campaign is “it’s time to fight back!”, so there where some really determined players i shot.
As i had limited time and the art director in the studio, we used Phase One’s Capture Pilot, sending every exposure to his iPad. That way he could make his selection “on the fly”!
The lighting setup was two Profoto Magnum reflectors with grids 45 degrees from the back, one normal reflector with grid giving some light från above from the back, a softlight reflector with grid straight from the camera and a softbox behind me just helping with the harsh shadows in the face …

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March 1st, 2012
Today i shot for Permobil again. This time the idea was two friends sitting and fishing on the ice and getting a really big fish!
Permobil really makes great electric wheelchairs, but i don’t think they where designed to be driven in wet snow out on a lake 😀 But with some raw strength and willpower we got it into position.
all the equipment was pulled out with a small sled. The fish was pre-fixed, i bought it the day before 🙂
I got a little bit worried this morning when it was grey and raining outside! Last time it rained during a shoot one of my Pro-7B burned due to water getting into it! But we decided to give it a shot anyway and just in time when everything was set up and ready the sun came!
The models did a terrific job and after a lot of screaming and tossing fishes where done! Now there is some retouching that needs to be done before it is ready for print!
The lighting was two Profoto Magnum reflectors with grids 45 degrees from behind, one softlight reflector on my left side and Profoto ringflash with the white soft reflector. This was powered by two Pro-7B’s

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