November 28th, 2011
When i a couple of weeks ago shot for Dragons Basketball we shot two images, one that i wrote about earlier and this one. This image was to be a little bit darker than the pictures from last year but still with some super hero feeling. We did a little flirt with the movie poster to Star Wars, a Phantom Menace, where Anakin gets the shadow of Darth Vader. But we chose another cool guy in the shadow 😀

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November 25th, 2011
I really love my cameras! They’re really wonerful to work with. But i use them a lot and no matter if i shoot in the studio or in the middle of a stream in the woods, i just want to think about shooting without having to worry about things happening to my gear. Because stuff happens, a lot! 😀 Just recently my camera went in to the floor and both the viewfinder and the camera body got a pretty heavy fall! It’s times like that it is good to have a great insurance!
One of my babys just came home from the “rehab” and is now ready for new adventures 😀

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November 24th, 2011
This is how the coverstory for LAJV Magazine turned out!

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November 24th, 2011
A couple of days ago i shot yet another cover for LAJV Magazine. It was a portrait of Johan Pierre, aka Xavier. He’s a basketballplayer/rapper and now also T-shirt designer. The theme for the shoot was a little bit like The Empereor’s new clothes and the location we found was City Hall. One little problem was that it’s being renovated so we had almost no light at all. But things could have been worse 😀
We collected some props from some rooms there, a chair and some pillows. The crown, scepter and mantle had been manufactured by Finn at LAJV!
As for the lighting there was no surprises. Two Magnum reflectors 45 degrees from behind, ringflash and a couple of flashes lighting the stairs behind Johan.

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November 23rd, 2011
The portrait i shot of the actor Kim Tjärnström (from the movie Jägarna 2) is part of the exhibition “Portrait 2011” which is on display at Procenter in Stockholm.
If you are in the neighbourhood of Alsnögatan 11 so don’t hesitate to visit their pro shop. The exhibition consists of 48 portraits by 48 different photographers of more or less famous people.

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November 15th, 2011
The Prosharp image is done and delivered at last! Fells great! But it was no picnic, a 5.9GB file, 106 layers in Photoshop and the hours put in! But it’s hard to quite when it’s so much fun! The image is done in two versions, one with the reporters in the front and one without them, this to be able to use it in a more portrait like layout …
It’s kind of fun to look at the sketch i did before we started shooting and compare it to the finished result
The lighting was done with two Profoto Magnum reflectors with grids in 45 degrees from the back, a Profoto Softlight reflector with grid behind/above the model, a softbox from the right and a Profoto ringflash.
Can’t wait to see it put together with logos, text etc …

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November 14th, 2011
A couple of days ago we did a new shoot for Prosharp. I’ve shot for them before, more about the old pictures for Prosharp here & here. This time we’re making a retro picture à la the 60s. The feeling is to show a classical hockey pose when a team just won the Stanley Cup and raises the cup to the sky, only this time they raise the Prosharp instead! Everybody was shot seperately and will be put together in Photoshop later. Peter who is the art director has collected a bunch of old hockey things that will be in the image, even the camera that the photographer is using is from the right decade! 🙂
Everybody did a fantastic job and the result will come as soon as i’m done with all the compositing!

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