Days at work

Days at work

Permobil in Norway …

January 30th, 2018

Went over to Norway to shoot some winter images for Permobil in january. Was a little worried that there wouldn’t be enough snow there! But I can tell you, it was!! Even we had obscene amounts of snow it really went super! We also had a great user as a model that really made the shoot a success!


(Svenska) Box Whisky, exteriörer

January 25th, 2018

I do a whole lot of images for whisky manufacturer Box Distillery. They asked me to make a new exterior image of their distillery in Bjärtrå. And luckily this year is a record year when it comes to snow! I got up on my snowmobile and head out on the frozen river. I got really lucky with the weather, i got everything from full sunshine to beautiful haze! I even got to se some mooses!