Days at work

Days at work

Joakim Lundell, new press images …

March 10th, 2017

Jockiboi, or Joakim Lundell as his actual name is and the name he uses as a music artist nowadays, needed new press images since his debute single whent throught the roof around europe. This time he wanted pictures with a more serious attitude so I shot him with a pretty basic lighting and he was dressed in all white! I hope you like them!o


Corroded, single cover …

March 2nd, 2017

My all time favourite band Corroded is soon to release their long awaited album, but before that two singles were released. Here are some pictures from when i did the first one!

Fall_of_a_Nation_2 Fall_of_a_Nation_1 Fall_of_a_Nation_cover_low