Days at work

Days at work

Cover with Johan Olsson

November 26th, 2014

The tourist magazine that i shot a couple of weeks ago is now printed, read it here här (swedish)

CD Cover for Ninetone Records

November 24th, 2014

A couple of weeks ago i shot a cover for Robbin & JP, former participants of the TV show “Paradise Hotel”, who just released a single. The image was suppose to look like they’ve just woke up in a hotel room the day after a big party having no clue of what happened?

We got a hotel room which we started setting up a couple of hours before the shoot.

It’s always a little bit tricky lighting a very small room, but i got it as i wanted after a while!

Ad campaign before christmas

November 20th, 2014

Some time ago i shot an ad campaign together with Sweetpop. It was aimed at parents to get the to buy things for them selves since they had been nice the whole year long! Together with the ads they launched a campaign on facebook where you could test who’s been the nicest.

The model was an actor and it was really easy to shoot him, actors often have very easy to take instructions and can with very small changes do big difference in expressions etc.

The lighting was made with three rimlights, two Profoto striplights 45 degrees from the back, one Profoto softbox from above. The mainlight was a Profoto softbox from the right and a Profoto ringflash.

ISPO Award 2015/2016

November 17th, 2014

Today is a big day! One of my clients, Prosharp, applied to the ISPO Award 2015/2016. ISPO is the worlds biggest sport exhibition in the world with more than 80.000 visitors and 2400 exhibitors! Just a couple of weeks ago Prosharp got a letter where they told them that the competition had been very hard and many very strong participants missed out on awards, but not yours! The congratulated on the highest award in the photo section, The ISPO Gold Award 2015/2016!

So you can guess who’s going to be in Munich together with the team from Prosharp on the 6:th of february! That’s when the ISPO Award show will take place!

ISPO Photo Award 2015/2016

A big congratulation to us!!

These are the three pictures that was sent to the competition

Lucia candidates 2014

November 16th, 2014

Every year i help the local newspaper and Lions Sweden to take a group photo of this years lucia candidates. This year i wanted to create some kind of feeling of angels in a fantasy ice land 🙂
All the candidates was shot in studio and then put together in photoshop. The background was built from different images i had in my archive from earlier shoots + i got some really nice houses from Frequent Flyer Agency, I’ve bought images from them before, very good selection and really easy to do business with! The clouds around the candidates was made from a home-made cloud brush!