October 26th, 2013
The last couple of years i have been asked to shoot a group image of the years Lucia candidates. I have always had complete freedom in doing whatever i wanted with the idea of the image. This year i shot all the candidates separately and will merge them together with some other fun things! What the result looks like you’ll be able to see here very soon!

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October 24th, 2013
I needed a boat for one of my pictures so i built one in 3D, in real life! 🙂 The right colour was fixed with some spray cans. Now i’ll just have to shoot it in the exact right angle and then put it in the image!

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October 23rd, 2013
Yesterday i shot a cover for our “neighbour” city, Timrå. The image was to illustrate how close they have to the nature and do it in a little mysterious way.
The location was a beach by a little lake quite near the freeway, but what may look really boring to one will look great in camera 😀
We didn’t have the weather on our side, almost freezing, clouds and rain. But we packed all the gear and headed out on the cold beach. After some setting up and testing we started shooting. The model was to have some reindeer horns on her head which was kind of tricky to attach. But we got them there. I also needed the grass to be on the other side of the camera so i had to “replant” some 🙂
Everybody did a great job, even though the model almost freezed to death and my computer somewhat drowned in all the rain!

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October 22nd, 2013
While we’re working on the post production of the second image for Dragons basketball, went and shot the third in the series. This time we shot Alex Wesby in a brass bath at Spa Maskrosen 🙂 A smaller room to shoot in is hard to find i might think, especially if you’re supposed to shoot the image from above more or less. I think i hit my head in the ceiling 10 times!
There will be a whole lot of post production on this image as well 😀 The floor has to be replaced, a shelf built in 3D and so on …
The concept of the image will be more clearly when it’s finished!

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October 19th, 2013
Just the other day i had the honors to give out one of the pictures that was sold during the exhibition! It’s always great to see ones images end up with someone who liked it so much they decided to buy it! I hope it will look good on your wall Maria!

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October 15th, 2013
The second image for The Dragons Basketball was some what a challenge! As you can see in the behind-the-scenes pictures we had some kind of ancient nordic theme 😉 Lucky for me i had Andreas from the agency ant Jonas, who will do his internship with me for the coming 10 weeks. He’s studying at Fotoskolan STHLM.
They location was the south part of the island Alnö. We had props in form of swords, helmets and other stuff that was borrowed for this shoot. We had to help the players get the chain mails on because the where extremely heavy!! When everybody have gotten there gear together we had to get everybody in the right position, as we will put in some other elements we needed everybody in the exact right positions.
After a lot of shouting and yelling we could rap it up and call it a day! Now we have some time in Photoshop before it´s ready!

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October 11th, 2013
I was doing some laundry the other day when i found a sketch för this years firts shoot for Dragons Basketball. It’s always fun looking at the first sketch when everything is done and printed, to see what you changed from the original idea/sketch. I made this sketch during a meeting with the art director for this project, Jocke på Sweet Williams and P&P.
The idea and finished product was very much the same, there where some small changes as there was no audience on the image and i added the theater interior which i found when i shot the chairs. It added a really nice theater feeling i think.
The players was shot at their home arena, the red drapes on Svea Theater and the stage, chairs and interior at the Sundsvall Theater.
Now we will continue with the second image in the series, but more on that later …

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October 5th, 2013
Last thursday i went out inte the deep woods of Hälsingland to shoot portraits of a guy driving a big tractor for cutting timber.
I took about an hour to drive down there and about 30 minutes of walking into the woods to get to where he was working. And let me tell you that walking into the woods with one big camerabag on my back, a big case of lightstands, a PRO7B batery back with xtra battery really feels awful 🙂
Anyway, later on it i found out that i’d stopped my car about 300 meters to early and the actual walk would have been would have been about 10 minutes if i had stopped at the “right” place …
Anyway the job turned out really well and the magazine liked the pictures a lot! And the fact that i got some exercise just comes as a big plus!

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