Days at work

Days at work

GoCart and a pizza

March 31st, 2013

OK, weird ideas usually is my thing, but to put a man in a badrobe in a GoCart while he’s eating a pizza and getting a massage at the same time actually came from someone else! 😀 It was the idea for a car repair firm that offers their customers free Gocart racing, massage and pizza while their car is being serviced.
So after a lot of setting up, moving and lifting go carts and of course shooting we had a image we where happy with. Now all that i had to do was to sit down with my computer for some hours!

Candy in a cone

March 29th, 2013

SPV has been a frequent customers for the last couple of years, it has been everything from stock-like images to shots for specific campaigns. Yesterday i shot images for a conference they’ll be having later this year.
The idea was to shoot images of a cone filled with candy and the candy would symbolize the different options you can do with your pension.
The ad agency was there and had their hands full, literally, with candy. Trying to get the cone to look as good as it could!

Signs in the middle of the winter

March 28th, 2013

About a week ago a shot for a campaign for a car repair and sales place. We shot in the middle of nowhere and it was really cold, the sun was great though and the sky was as blue as can be! The idea was to shoot a guy looking really lost in front of two road signs that we’d got made for us. Of course i had found the perfect spot to shoot which forced me to stand in the middle of the road, having to run back and forth the camera, ringflash, computer and all the cables each time a car came!

The add just started running and it looks great, let’s hope it has the desired impact as well!

YOHIO for japanese release

March 27th, 2013

Just had a another shoot with YOHIO, it was an extra picture for his japanese album release. Just as usual his whole entourage came with him to the studio 🙂 I think this had to be the fastest and most effective shoot we have had together, everything just fell into place! And as soon as he had found one shot he liked we where done! But as no big surprise it was panic to get the image ready, so i spent the whole day after retouching it to perfection!

The finished image turned out great, the combination of a super rad artist and a cool guitar just can’t go wrong i guess!