Days at work

Days at work

LAJV december 2012

December 3rd, 2012

Sandra Jonsson, or more known as Sweet Sandy, was the portrait for the december issue of LAJV Magazine. Sweet Sandy has a webshop with the same name which sells 40/50/60’s looking clothes.

My vision was to shoot the cover in some cool looking warehouse with her and a lot of boxes on the way to be sent out to customers.
We didn’t find any cool looking warehouse nearby, but a nice big old garage under one of the hotels down town looked really promising.
We packed the car full of gear and went there. It took some time to fold up all the boxes which would be in the image. But as time went by the corner in the garage started to look like a nice old warehouse from the 50’s 🙂
Sandy did a great job acting in the image!


December 3rd, 2012

Just before i left for the states i went out to TimrÃ¥ Betong to shoot some portraits and a group picture. It’s amazing how cool everything looks inside a place like this, it’s like everything is more “for real”. After i’d moved a ton of things into the picture to give it the right industrial feel we took this picture.