Days at work

Days at work

The LAJV cover, august issue

July 27th, 2012

Here are the images for the august issue of LAJV Magazine, hope you like them!

Hard rocking with LAJV

July 26th, 2012

During the summer it’s pretty low on work, which is quite good since i’m having a vacation 🙂 But i’m doing some things now and then so this week i shot the new cover for LAJV Magazine!.

The portrait in this issue is Tjacka, the man who sets up the “Konsertfesten”, a festival where artists like Bryan Adams and KENT will play. He was also the one who started “Gatufesten” (another big festival) 25 years ago!

The idea for the picture was to shoot him like a rocker from the 80’s in some rock club. I was inspired by the musical Rock of Ages which i saw in New York and London.
We had built up our set in a rock club called Pipeline and gather a lot of props like boots, hats, guitars etc etc. We even had managed to get two “groupies” 😀

Tjacka was extremely easy to shoot, it often shows if a person is secure with himself, they often have no proplem with letting go and go into character!

The images turned out great, i’ll post them here shortly!

Gigapixel shot!

July 25th, 2012

During the Gatufesten festival i shot a gigapixel image during the concert with Sean Paul. The image was shot with a Nikon D800 mounted on a Gigapan Epic Pro which shot 105 images that later was stitched together and created the big image of the audience! It’s now possible to find yourself in the image and tag you and your friends.

We did a testshot the night before during Takidas concert, which you can see here:

ps big thanks to Olle Melkerhed who managed to get a shot of me during the concert 🙂